dentist kraków
Tomasz Bobek
Nr PWZ (licence to practise a profession): 1304071
You are welcome to visit the dentist Tomasza Bobek

He graduated from the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice.
Dental Treatment
He specializes in implantology and microscopic root canal treatment (endodontics).
He has 15 years of experience ( 5 years he was working as a dental surgeon in the UK)
His interests include implantology, prosthetics and modern endodontics (root canal treatment under microscope). Since 2006 belongs to the General Dental Council in London.
He has extensive experience in the field of implantology and oral surgery. His is continously extending his experience and attends numerous courses and symposiums in Poland and abroad: USA, Germany, Korea, UK, Ireland, China, Turkey and Cuba